Internet History & Addiction Test

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History of the Internet...
*Internet began in the 1960's by the Defense Department for research in the U.S.
*In 1968, the first generation of networking hardware and software was designed.
*In the early 1970's, ARPANET becomes a high-speed digital post office and a year later, grows with 23 hosts connecting universities.
*In 1974, the public gets its first vague hint of how networked computers can be used in daily life.
*In 1982, the term 'Internet' is used for the first time.
*In the mid-80s, personal computers are booming.
*In 1987, the number of Internet hosts exceeds 10,000.
*In 1988, the Internet woorm was unleashed and new words such as "hacker" and "electric break-in" are created.
*In 1991, the World Wide Web is born!
*By 1996, the Internet spans the globe, with nearly 10 million hosts online.

Are you addicted to the Internet? Test yourself here.

1) Are you using online services everyday?
2) Are you loosing track of time after making a connection?
3) Are you going out less and less?
4) Are you spending less and less time on meals at home or at work, and eat in front of the monitor?
5) Do you deny spending too much time on the Net?
6) Are others complaining of you spending too much time in front of the monitor?
7) Do you checking on your mailbox too many times a day?
8) Do you think you have the greatest web site in the world and are dying to give people your URL?
9) Are you logging onto the Net while already busy at work?
10) Do you sneak online when your spouse or family members are not at home, with a sense of relief?

If you answered "Yes" to most of these questions, then you may consider the fact that you might be an addict.